Why Your Church Needs A Help Center / Knowledge Base

Churches go through all sorts of seasons. Whether you’re a church plant, in an intense growth season, or maintaining. You have tasks that need to get done and questions that need to get answered. If you don’t have these documented then you or your team are either answer questions over and over again, reinventing the wheel of processes and more. A knowledge base, otherwise known as a help ceneter, might just be the missing link for you church to resolve the frustrations of you church members and internal teams.

What Is A Help Center / Knowledge Base

A help center is a compilation of documents that outline FAQs, standard operating procedures (SOP’s) and how-to articles. You have more than likely experienced a help center before when using a new product or service. For instance, Hey Church’s Help Center looks like this: Hey Church Help Center.

How Can My Church Use A Help Center?

In the business sector, Help Centers are instrumental for detailing product functionalities and aiding customer support. Similarly, these tools are vital for internal team guidance in completing specific tasks. For churches, implementing a Help Center can foster an informed and self-sufficient congregation while relieving staff from routine inquiries.

The More A Church Documents The More They Care

By creating and sharing FAQs such as "How to Become a Church Member" or "Core Beliefs," your church not only empowers its congregation to independently seek knowledge and grow but also frees up staff time from addressing frequently asked questions. Consider publishing articles on recommended books, courses like Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace, or guidelines on using church apps and online giving platforms.

For internal team use, document procedures like "Pastoral Care Protocols," "Escalation of Pastoral Issues," or even operational guides like "Managing the Church's Social Media." The breadth of documentation is limitless, and the more comprehensive it is, the more it reflects your commitment to the church's long-term success.

A well-maintained knowledge base is crucial, especially during periods of growth or staff turnover, to ensure seamless church operations and informed team members.

Start building your church's knowledge base today! If you need assistance with managing a knowledge base or other church-related tasks, sign up for a free account at Hey Church for comprehensive support.
